Grunt's Homepage For Survivalists

Picture of a stream Some things to have in your survival kit. How to find & process food. Fire building technics. Links pertaining to survival issues. Finding & processing water. Building a shelter. Vital points on the human body. Take me back to the main page.


- Unavoidable certainty of man's downfall? I think so, Canada and the United States have always been holding hands in the development of weapons of mass destruction far back as I can remember. The late 40's (In my opinion) we should have made our move and conquerd the rest of the world. Looking back I dred to ponder what were we thinking, how dumb founded of us to think that we and only we would have sole custody of the information to build these advanced weapons of mass destruction. Have we lost this game?

- We've given joint custody to the rest of the world. Did we really feel that we could just all get along? We live in a non dictatorship society where decisions are not made by a single person, we seem to listen and care what the general public has to say about war. There are countless examples in history where we let the enemy live to strike back another day. How many times does it take for us to acknowledge our weaknesses. Dictators around the world (what few are among us) know our weaknesses and test us all the time.

- Is having a underground shelter, a few months supply of food and water is going to save your life? Knowledge of how to survival in the wilderness? I know its going to sound a little suspicious of me to ask if you really believe the government will notify the the public that an nuclear,chemical or even a biological attack is imminate in the near future? How ironic is it to live in a society where the big three news stations would be the ones to tell us that terrorist have 6 nuclear devices scattered inside of North America and that if there demands are not met they would detonate them. What would you do? Aside from the people that already have a underground shelter and a bulk supply of food and water. The rest of the general public would be in total hysteria. Look through the telescope and imagine what you see. Lets take a step back for a second, what if the threat never comes? The terrorists plant the bombs (either nuclear, biological, chemical) but without warning to us. You go to sleep in your condo or apartment and little to you the 6 bombs planted around North America are set to go off at 12:00am tonight. Having a shelter with your food and water supply isn't going to do you any good now is it?

- We need to switch roles here from the sitting duck to the guy with the shotgun. I say North America needs a "take no prisoners attitude" and do whatever it takes to ensure our safety. Let's take our opponents satellites out, launch whatever attacks are needed, and to make sure that whatever society that we target have no chance for a rebirth. We have to do something, just sitting here and waiting for something to happen is inviting various attack scenarios to happen to us. Because the only thing worse that war is the fear of war.


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Last updated 11/21/97